Tag Archives: Chicago Hope

Why Loupes are a wise long-term investment

Since the 1980s, TV series such as Chicago Hope, Grey’s Anatomy, ER, and House M.D. have been featuring surgeons operating while wearing loupes. It makes the show look authentic and the doctors in it as highly regarded professionals. They use of the best equipment available in order to provide excellent care to their patients.

When it is time to buy loupes, an appealing frame looks is part of it. But the major consideration is how the optical equipment will perform and how will it stand up to everyday use.

The two most common types of loupe configurations available are flip-up and through-the-lens (TTL). Through-the-lens optics are customized to meet the clinician’s individual needs. They are permanently glued in place. The main advantages of using TTL loupes (compared to flip-ups) are:

1. The optics stay aligned
2. They are well-balanced
3. They are light-weight
4. They provide a wider field of vision (the optics are close to the eyes)

The TTL setup is similar to top-lined reading glasses where the wearer looks over the optic to view the room using distance vision and though the optic when viewing the patient’s mouth at close range.

Flip-up telescopes are adjustable. Some clinicians with strong prescriptions or bifocals therefore prefer flip-up telescopes because the optics can be flipped up and out of the way. When wearing flip-up telescopes, it is advised to use a head strap that is fastened securely around the wearer’s head. Flip-up loupes are adjustable and can be changed to different frames if wanted. It is easy to change a prescription in a flip-up loupe if the vision of the clinician changes.

Choosing a lower magnification level offers a wider field of vision and a more forgiving depth of field when looking through the optic area than higher magnification. Stronger telescopes zoom in to a narrow field and are difficult to work with independently.

When choosing optics make sure your loupes are:  light-weight, have a wide field of vision, have three-dimensional image qualities,and have very sharp high-resolution image. For these reasons, Admetec-Vision is often the preferred choice.

Good frames are made of titanium to pass the test of time and to ensure daily use. The purchase of a loupe is a long-term investment. It is important to buy a quality product that will stand up to daily use to prevent the need to repurchase in a short period of time.

Editorial note: The full  article was originally published in Hygiene Tribune US, Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2009.