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Scanning Periapical and Other X-Rays

Dentists have a variety of types of x-rays to choose from. One group consists of periapical X-rays that show the entire tooth, including the root. These photos show all of the tooth including the root tip, as well as all the supporting structures around the root and the tooth.

The “normal” dental X-rays that are made during routine checkups are called “bitewing” X-rays. These photos show the top half of the tooth, not the whole tooth. Periapical X-rays have therefore added value, especially if the dentist wants to check the health of the bone around the tooth.

The latest technology (such as scanners) allows X-rays to be computerized.  Digital computer x-rays compared with traditional X-rays show a significant difference: traditional ones are with film, while the computerized X-rays are digital. Periapical X-rays can be made with X-ray film or a computerized sensor.

Most dentists take three types of X-rays: panographic, periapical and bitewing x-rays. All three types of X-rays look at the tooth and the bone. The difference is whether they are viewed at a computer screen or as an X-ray film.

It is clear that looking at a computer screen far surpasses looking at film. It enhances the diagnosis, since the picture can be enlarged for more detail. It also allows for using contrast programs to make certain details stand out. It is both faster and more environmental-friendly, since no X-ray chemicals, developer, fixer or wash water are used or disposed of.

Furthermore, it only takes several minutes to process an X-ray film. Within seconds, a dentist can process an image from a computerized or digital sensor.

Looking for an X-ray scanner? Contact us at AdmetecVision for our EasyScan at  www.admetec-vision.com, or call us at our toll-free number: 1-888-670-5063.

You can also email us at contact@admetec-vision.com.

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